Pocono bike club super d.

Not sure what to about this race other than it was awesome and my favorite track of the year. It was a mix of xc, downhill, dirt jumping, and hold onto the bars for dear life. The race came to fruition from the combined efforts of the Pocono Bike Club and Dan Whitehead. This was the clubs first event and I must say it seemed as if it went off without a hiccup. The race was on the area of land known as Glen Park, in Stroudsburg PA. I had been introduced to this place in the late 90’s by a couple of friends who worked at a bike shop about a mile from the trails. The terrain and soil are very unique, and make an excellent base for trails. The whole area just has the feeling of being in a very secluded place, even though you’re extremely close to civilization. The race format had the Pro’s going last so we had some time to waste before we headed to the start. A few of us were going to slowly make our way to the top by riding, while others took the shuttling option. Local rider and racer Kyle Kimble was one of the riders who wanted to ride to the top. Kyle knows these trails extremely well, and I’m pretty sure is involved with building and maintaining them. Instead of riding along the course to get back to the top he showed me what other trails Glen Park offered. I was amazed as to how large the place really is, and we barely seemed to ride most of the terrain. We arrived at the top with about ten minutes to spare before racing. Most riders use this time to get warmed up, shed clothing, and go to the bathroom. I’m pretty sure I did all three. The start of the course was a short section of gravel road which split off into the woods and onto tight single track, which would lead back to the gravel road, and transition onto a dirt road. This road went uphill for about 50 yards and then split off into the woods for some more twisty and tight single track leading riders out onto the first high speed section of trail, and it was fast. The best part was that it was only going to get faster. It felt as if you were on a roller coaster that had just entered into its free-fall. However this ride ended quickly just as you hit your max speed you needed to shut it down and make a sharp 90 degree turn into what I believe was a water carved washout. It swooped back and forth, up and down, and then launched you back onto the trail. If you aren’t excited to ride this course yet you should be! From here you pedaled across the hill and dropped into a steep, loose, trail with a berm at the bottom to catch you and keep you from launching off into woods. It was hard to believe how much fun you were having , and it only got better. Next on course was a set of doubles, and then a small road gap. Touching down from jumping the road you approached the only real climb of the day. It’s not a long climb, but its steep and to the point. The climb leads to a flat section of cinder trail giving you a moment to catch your breath before the roller coaster ride started again. Entering the home stretch you are greeted by some more tight turns and then spit out onto an old stone road. You end the run with a flat sprint to the finish line, exiting the darkness of the woods and emerge into the sunshine. Even though there wasn’t a lot of climbing in the race, it demanded all of your energy and attention. (It also left you with a BIG smile) I finished first in the Pro class, and can say that this was one heck of an exhausting course. It required a lot of upper body strength, as well as strong legs. I had a lot of fun at this race, and can say that the vibe and atmosphere were amazing. I got to hang out and ride with an old friend who I barely see anymore, and got to talk and hang with some new friends. Thanks to everyone for a really fun day. Best part of the day = High Speed Doubles!